National Weather Service Database Code Tables

National Weather Service Database Code Tables

Product ID: 200174

Product Name: National Weather Service Database 15 Core Service Code Tables Package

We are offering 15 different National Weather Service Database Code Tables available as a package for sale on PayPal covering almost every aspect of a weather reporting system, including Forecast, Current Conditions, and Warnings across all Inland, Offshore and Marine Zones. We also include coding for all the buoys covering the marine and offshore zones defined by the National Weather Service and NOAA. The tables include the codes used by the NWS in the distribution of their weather data to customers. To be very clear the codes provided do not represent source code or application software in any form (although you may inquire about software applications at the contact request form). If you wish to learn more about how the database tables originated please read the United States Patent Application document 60/596243 embedded at the bottom of the page.

Slideshow of Database Tables and Examples of the Coding Data

Slide # 1 shows the Codes database and summary of the 15 tables. The individual database tables are shown with their data types and a small selection of their coding data in slides 2 through 16.

Create Script for CODES Database

The document below shows the creation script for the CODES database on Microsoft SQL 2008 Server.

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Create Scripts for all 15 Database Tables

The document below shows the create scripts for all 15 database tables on Microsoft SQL 2008 Server.

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United States Patent Application: 60/596243 – System and Method for Delivery of Dynamically Encoded Text-To-Speech Weather Messages as Voice Phone Calls

The database coding tables provided in this package are derived from the no longer active system described in United States Patent Application – 60/596243 00, where the first 2 of 28 pages are shown below. If you wish to know more about the system described in the patent application please contact Mark Ross (Inventor) directly at 715-803-4550 in the event your organization is interested in the system’s design & architecture or other related opportunity. The patent application template document is also available in the Surplus Store Catalog.

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